Return to the light

Today, December 21 is the winter solstice, the longest night, the shortest day of the year.  In Portland, the sun rose today at 7:49 am, and the sun set at 4:30 pm, an 8 hour 41 minute day, a 15 hour 20 minute night.  From now on the days will become longer and the nights shorter.  In six months we will be sitting in the sun as the world turns another cycle around the sun.

This year brought many new students to Issoan.  I returned last year to teaching in person, and have reintroduced the 10 week Introduction to Chado class.  Looking back, I have brought more than 250 students through that course over the last 20 years of teaching.  Of course, the 3 years of Covid, I didn’t teach any beginning students. Most of the students from last year and the students this year have been on my waiting list since Covid began.  I still have more than 30 people on the waiting list. The students this year are more enthusiastic and seem more interested in studying tea long term.  I think because they had to wait to take the course, it made them want it more and be more thoughtful about what they learned in the class.

The past year was filled with tea events.  Travel for tea,  tea intensives, many chakai, a few chaji, a new kagetsu group, and at least 3-4 tea presentations every month. I reconnected with  tea friends I haven’t seen in a long time, and I met many new tea friends.  And again, this year several of my long time tea friends and colleagues have passed on.  I will definitely miss them, but it makes me want to redouble my efforts.  I am doing my best to bring more people to tea, train more tea practitioners, and bring up the next generation of teachers.   I hope to pass on what I learned  and what I know with the time I have left.

Like the saying, “Every day is a good day,” Every year is a good year.  As I get older, the years seem to pass more quickly.  I am grateful for every day, every month, every year I have left.  Especially since a whole generation of teachers, sempai and senior practitioners are passing before us.  We need to present and savor every moment we can.

We have 10 days before the end of 2024 and a New Year will begin.  As we say goodbye to the year of the Dragon, we look forward to the year of the Snake.  I am doing a top to bottom cleaning, also paying debts, writing thank you cards to teachers, making year end donations, clearing obligations, reconnecting with people so that I can start fresh with the New Year.   Starting today, it is a return to the light.  I know it is going to be a good year.



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    • admin on January 1, 2025 at 6:44 pm

    Thank you for your comments and for the faithful reading of the blog. I value your friendship and look forward to when we can share a bowl of tea together.

    • Miyo Moriuchi on December 22, 2024 at 7:55 pm

    Dear Marjorie,
    Thank you for a well-said missive reminding us of the season and how to think about the end of the year and preparation for the new year. Your dedication to ochanoyu is a gift to not only your students but to the wider world.
    May your holidays be happy and the coming year be healthy and full of growth and peace.
    From the tropical heat of Durban,
    Miyo Moriuchi

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