Tag: tea gathering
This Autumn there were many tea activities for Issoan.
October 18-20, Margie traveled to New Mexico to celebrate their 20th Anniversary.
October 27, Margie visited the beautiful Hakone Gardens in California to attend the Hakone Daichakai. It was good to reconnect and meet new tea …
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Permanent link to this article: https://issoantea.com/autumn-activities-at-issoan/
It is exciting to have new students develop a passion for tea. I have some new students who are so enthusiastic that they have been coming twice a week to keiko. One of them has a site, Storied Objects, that features artisan handcrafted ware with an aesthetic that appeals to many tea folk. She is …
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Permanent link to this article: https://issoantea.com/storied-objects/
Yesterday, Issoan celebrated the opening of the winter hearth. The day was cold, rainy and windy. A great day for a cozy tea gathering. Guests arrived from across town, from Seattle area, and half a world away via zoom for two seki. It was especially exciting for three new students, who had never attended a …
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Permanent link to this article: https://issoantea.com/robiraki-2023/
Here in the Pacific NW we are usually blessed with beautiful clear days and pleasant temperatures for Autumn. The new school year starts, and football season begins. But for me, moon viewing signals the beginning of the Autumn. This year the September moon came late in the month, but we had hot weather into the …
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Permanent link to this article: https://issoantea.com/autumn-has-arrived/
I have much to still to process about the 50 year Midorikai reunion. I think overwhelmingly it was being in the company of those who have had the experience of studying tea in Japan. Everyone learns how to get into kimono in less than ideal conditions. Everyone starts as a beginner learning to walk, sit …
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Permanent link to this article: https://issoantea.com/reunion-reflections/