Today, December 21 is the winter solstice, the longest night, the shortest day of the year. In Portland, the sun rose today at 7:49 am, and the sun set at 4:30 pm, an 8 hour 41 minute day, a 15 hour 20 minute night. From now on the days will become longer and the …
Tag: appreciation
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In gratitude
It is that time of year as the holiday in the U.S. rolls around called Thanksgiving. Most of the time, I am not thinking about giving thanks. Sometimes I like to complain about my life. As I am getting older I find more time to reflect and think about my life. It may sound …
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Things Chado has taught me, part 4
There are so many things I have learned from Chado that it is difficult to articulate them. This post is the 4th of a series of things that Chado has taught me. These are not necessarily what everyone learns from Chado, but I find my life is so much richer and meaningful because of …
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Reunion reflections
I have much to still to process about the 50 year Midorikai reunion. I think overwhelmingly it was being in the company of those who have had the experience of studying tea in Japan. Everyone learns how to get into kimono in less than ideal conditions. Everyone starts as a beginner learning to walk, sit …
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A look back
Something to think about the next time you are making tea for guests.
“When you are not confident at making tea, everyone is looking at you. When you are good at making tea, everyone is looking at the tea.”
I thought that I would take a few moments to look back at some posts from …
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