Most commented posts

  1. Heart to heart connection — 8 comments
  2. April update, a Midorikai interlude — 6 comments
  3. Making a good bowl of koicha — 6 comments
  4. It is harder than it looks — 6 comments
  5. Seeing things as they are — 6 comments

Author's posts

New Year Poetry Gathering

This year on New Year’s Day, 8 poets gathered to begin the New Year with a poetry gathering.  We composed a modified linked verse.  While we composed poems, people brought and brewed all kinds of tea from genmaicha to oolongs.  We also shared sake to help with creativity, and pot luck lunch. One …

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Return to the light

Today, December 21 is the winter solstice, the longest night, the shortest day of the year.  In Portland, the sun rose today at 7:49 am, and the sun set at 4:30 pm, an 8 hour 41 minute day, a 15 hour 20 minute night.  From now on the days will become longer and the …

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Autumn activities at Issoan

This Autumn there were many tea activities for Issoan.

October 18-20, Margie traveled to New Mexico to celebrate their 20th Anniversary.






October 27, Margie visited the beautiful Hakone Gardens in California to attend the Hakone Daichakai.  It was good to reconnect and meet new tea …

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Save the date

Portland International Tea Gathering

I am planning an International Tea Gathering in Portland, October 15-20, 2025.  Save the date. I hope you can join us.  Information updates will be posted here:

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In gratitude

It is that time of year as the holiday in the U.S. rolls around called Thanksgiving.  Most of the time, I am not thinking about giving thanks.  Sometimes I like to complain about my life. As I am getting older I find more time to reflect and think about my life.  It may sound …

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