On April 25, for Rikyuki, we decided to try a few things a little different. As the guests came in, they were served osayu in the machiai. The guests then entered the honseki where they offered a flower in the many hanging vases next to the tokonoma before toko haiken and then viewing the tea utensils.After the offering of tea was placed in the tokonoma, misonodana table style was used to make usucha for the guests who were seated all on benches, stools and chairs. Rikyu manju sweet was made by Mieko Heriford.
After a lunch of sushi, vegetables, and fruits were served, some of the guests participated in three rounds of misonodana kagetsu where participants were seated at table and stools. Tea was made at the misonodana with a hanto to help with serving and moving the oriusue.
Thank you all for a lovely remembrance ceremony.