Things that Chado has taught me

I have been reflecting on my journey with tea.  I feel so lucky that Chado has come into my life and I have had so many opportunities of a lifetime.  From my study at Midorikai, to meeting Daisosho, to experiencing tea events that were transcendent and transforming.  I want to express gratitude to all of my teachers who saw potential in me and assisted me to go further than I ever imagined.  And to all of my sempai to have taught me  so much and served as examples all along the way.  Thank you also to my class mates, kohai and students who have taught me more than they can ever know.

So, in looking back at my career in tea, I started to put a list together about what Chado has taught me.  The list kept getting longer and longer, but I will do this in a series so it won’t be overwhelming.  I hope this promotes discussion in the comments.  What has Chado taught you?

Here’s the first 10 things Chado has taught me. It is not in order of importance, but just as things have come to mind.

  1. Everyone makes mistakes. The longer you do something, the more mistakes you will make.
  2. When you make a mistake, make it beautifully.
  3. True mastery doesn’t exist. There will always be more to learn.
  4. Tranquility can also mean perseverance in the face of difficulty.
  5. Something that appears or sounds simple is likely much harder and more complex than it first appears.
  6. Good manners differ between people and cultures. Learn how to communicate and show your appreciation in a manner the other person will understand.
  7. Sometimes silence is more profound and intimate than words.
  8. It’s important to not let your brain get in the way of learning. Be like a child and just absorb everything around you without questioning it.
  9. It’s important to not let your brain get in the way of doing. With practice, your body knows what to do.
  10. Don’t get ahead of yourself in temae. Give each action your full attention. Live in the moment.

What do you think about this list?

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    • admin on December 15, 2022 at 5:22 pm

    Thank you for reading and thank you for your comment. I will have more to say about practice in the coming followups to this blog. Stay tuned.

    • admin on December 15, 2022 at 5:21 pm

    Thank you for reading the blog and your comment. This is not a big statement, only one about what I personally have gotten from my years of study. Why not take the courage to articulate what you have learned?

    • Scott Stalnaker on December 14, 2022 at 9:17 pm

    I remember when I had been in Midorikai for a few months and had experienced the exciting, ever-shifting, and dare I say frequently frustrating reality that is the Midorikai experience, I woke up one morning and my first thought was “another day of practice.” It was then that I realized that I had just started to learn, and every morning after that I would wake up to another day of practice. In the many years since I’ve often lost sight of this lesson, but it usually pops back into my head when I need it

    • Gabriel on December 14, 2022 at 1:32 pm

    An article of wisdom, as most of the articles on this blog.
    Making a mistake…opens an universe of possibilities and interpretations. Lots of wisdom pearls may be made when a mistake is made….what is a mistake…..Mistakes are part of the the tea culture. A mistake may be a sign of willingly deviating from the norm in a creative and refreshing way. Bringing life to the routine. Or on the contrary, showing a complete failure of understanding. Who is the one who judges?….

    I would not venture myself in making big statements. They are always tricky and serve to nothing but to attract those still at a loss in understanding tea. Tea is tea. When you get it you get it. You recognise in a second someone who got it and someone who did not.
    I admire your courage to make this list.

  1. […] blogs, What Chado has taught me Part 1 Part 2 Part […]

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